The following 30 to 40-minute training session is programmed for intermediate or advanced-level athletes. Adjust the repetitions and or variation of any prescribed movements/exercises as necessary to accommodate current strength and fitness level.
A1. Pull-ups or Chin-ups-2 sets x 3 reps/ Minimal rest
A2. Push-ups-2 sets x 5 reps/ Minimal rest
A3. V-ups or Modified V-ups-2 sets x 5 reps/ Minimal rest
A4. LBH Superman-2 sets x 5 reps w/ 2-second ISO hold @ top position each rep/ Minimal rest
A5. Walking Lunges-2 sets x 5 reps each leg alternating/ Rest 30-60 seconds
B1. Med Ball Slams-2 sets x 8 reps/ Rest 30 seconds
B2. Swimmers-2 sets x 8 reps each side altering/ Rest 1:00
C1. Pull-ups or Chin-ups-3-5 sets x 8-10 reps/ Minimal rest
C2. FLR Shoulder Taps-3-5 sets x 30 seconds each shoulder alternating @ slow and controlled tempo/ Rest 1:30
D1. Inverted Bar or Ring Rows-2 sets x 15 reps @ appropriate intensity level/ Minimal rest
D2. Deficit Push-up or Ring Push-ups-2 sets x 15 reps/ Minimal rest
D3. Loaded Single-Arm Overhead Walking Lunges-2 sets x 15 reps each leg alternating @ 30 lb DB/ Rest 1:00 *
E. Leg Lever w/ fingers behind your ears-3 sets x 30 seconds of work/ Rest 30 seconds
Coaching Comments:
Perform C1 and C2 in superset/ round fashion. The first round is 8-10 Pull-ups or Chin-ups, rest 30 seconds, 30-second FLR Shoulder Taps, rest 1:30. Perform 3 to 5 rounds in this fashion.
*Switch arms mid-way through the set.
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