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Elite member of US Army rangers in combat helmet and dark glasses. Studio shot, dark black

Created by a certified Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES), former BUD/S instructor, and 22-year special operations veteran (RECON Marine, Marine Combatant Diver, Marine Scout Sniper, and Navy SEAL operator). This training plan has also been tested and vetted by active-duty SOF operators.

Utilize this functional strength and conditioning performance program in preparation for any US Department of Defense (DOD) military special operations selection course to develop an unbreakable mind and body.


Designed to prepare aspiring BUD/S, Marine RECON/RAIDER, Air Force PJ/CCT/TAC-P, and Army SF/Ranger candidates for the rigors of selection and training.


This 16-week/4 phase performance program includes progressive...


  • Swim and Water Confidence Training

  • Loaded Ground Movement / Rucking  

  • Strength and Conditioning & Calisthenic Prep

  • Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacity Run Training 


​This training plan is great for those interested in special operations or military-specific conditioning at the highest levels. 

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©2024 by Optimal Readiness LLC

The Optimal Readiness physical fitness training and coaching program is designed for high-level athletes as well as everyday professionals. The program focuses on physical performance training and also extends attention to quality mental performance training. This is physical conditioning for elite level strength and conditioning for professional athletes and military professionals. Whether you are in the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard or any other area of service, these fitness programs developed by a Navy SEAL will help you perform at your optimal personal best. Individuals who have worked with the Rangers, SEALs, or other SPECOPS teams have found these physical training programs to be challenging and instrumental in achieving their personal physical training goals. A number of Navy SEALs utilize these workout programs to build their physique and endurance. Emergency responders and civil servants face numerous challenges in the line of duty, so these fitness programs will support Firefighters, Police, Fire, Ambulance, Police officers, fire fighters, and more. These are physical fitness workouts that include both bodyweight exercises, pull ups, situps, pushups, squats, mountain climbers, as well as an extensive list of exercises that can modified to an individual’s personal needs. The program also includes exercise guides and coaching to ensure the safety of each athlete and/or military veteran. These programs will challenge even the strongest athlete, this is the ultimate workout and exercise site providing intense fitness workouts designed by Navy SEALs. If you feel intimidated by online training and workouts, you may also be eligible for personal coaching by a Navy SEAL or a designated fitness coach.

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