Exodus 33: 14
"Then He replied, "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
The only way we truly find rest is in the presence of the Lord. All other peace is fleeting.
How can we seek this rest and experience peace that transcends all understanding? By earnestly seeking Him.
Jesus, Himself, tells us through the pages scripture to seek and ask and we will be given the desires of our heart when those desires align with God's will for us.
Matthew 7: 7
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
If we are honestly seek after God's rest and we put the Lord at the center of our lives, we will experience His presence and therefore peace that transcends all understanding.
Spend time with Lord in prayer and set aside time to read His Word without distraction. Ask for His rest.
And His Presence is also our Presence, and it is in the “I Am Presence” that we are all one…as He said “I Am in ye, ye are in me, and we are together in the Father.”